30 Before 30

It turns out, 29 is the year of adventure for me.  I am relearning what really makes me happy after too many years of being overly influenced by others and by a corporate focused culture.  I think 29 is about finding out who I am as a person and indulging in the little things that make me who I am rather than focusing on trying to be something that I think I should be.  I have just about 10 months to make these things a reality.

1. See New Orleans - check!
2. Eat an authentic New Orleans poboy (& also try either crawfish or alligator)check!
3. Go on a swap tourcheck!
4. Travel outside of the US - check - Iceland & Canada!
5. See the Northern Lights - check!
6. Soak in the Blue Lagoon - check!
7. Say "yes" to new adventures and experiences - always a work in progress, but I think I am doing pretty well so far!
8. Find a new job that makes me happy and leaves room for a work/life balance
9. Continue writing this blog
10. Refinish my new desk - check!
11. Try more recipes that intimidate me
12. Get another tattoo - in the works!  I have a plan, I think it will be a celebration gift to myself after I accomplish #8!
13. Get my craft room fully organized - so close!
14. Make an effort to declutter my life - Several carloads of Goodwill donations have been made as well as a massive yardsale.  I am going to continue this project to create better habits!
15. Work on connecting more with my sister
16. Be better about keeping in touch with people & sending mail
17. Grow at least one new thing in the garden that I've never tried before - This year, I am trying a few different radishes, carrots, and pattypan squash.
18. Finish an embroidery project
19. Pay off all my outstanding medical debts
20. Design and create a ton of custom jar labels for all the canned goods I have made
21. Continue doing the 52 Lists Project
22. Attend GeekGirlCon 2013
23. Keep working on maintaining my savings account balance
24. Visit Vancouver, B.C. - check!
25. Go bungee jumping
26. Express my gratitude for the people in my life more often
27. Start an Etsy shop for some of my thrifting finds
28. Volunteer more often & take on more fosters
29. Be less afraid of the unknown
30. Plan an awesome 30th birthday party


  1. Stopping over from the B.You blog hop. Great list! I'm currently working on my 25 before 26 list, they can be pretty daunting. I'm looking forward to following along with your progress :)

  2. I am turning 29 this month. Someone asked me what my before 30 bucket list was and honestly I had never thought about it. I have more of a lifetime bucket list but maybe I should make one for before 30. I like your list! Here from the Grab a Friend Hop.


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