Quickie Nail Tutorial : Strawberry Nails in 4 Easy Steps!

01 July 2013

Summertime has been really beautiful.  One of my very favorite things about summer is all of the amazing fresh local fruits and veggies in season!   Strawberries are one of my favorites, so it seemed only logical to make some cute strawberry nail art happen!

It's easy to do and it only takes a few simple steps.  Here is a quickie tutorial!

Strawberry Nails Tutorial!

Here's how:
Cute strawberry nails in just 4 easy steps!

1. Paint your nails red.

2. Use a dotting tool and some yellow polish to make a few dots randomly on your nails

3. Use a thin striping brush in green to create a small triangle on the top of the nail. No need to be precise, berry leaves are natural and uneven!

4. Add a few more triangles on the top until you get a leafy zig-zag tip. No need to be precise, berry leaves are natural and uneven!  Finish it off by adding a top coat and show off your cute fingertips!

There you have it!  Easy, adorable and perfect for summer!


  1. These nails remind me of the strawberry candies that I used to eat by the bag when I was a kid. Thanks for sharing it and I'll do my best to replicate it even though I feel like I'll just end up with red nail polish smeared all over me and everything around me.

  2. So cute! Found you through the blog hop. Thanks for co-hosting! Now following on bloglovin!:) Liz @ www.rusticpeach.com

  3. Cute. Stopping by from the hop and following.

  4. How cute! Very creative and unique, I love it!


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