52 Lists: Things I Want to Make

03 April 2013

This week's list is all about creating.  Ever since I was a  little girl, my mother ignited a love of crafting in me.  We used to go to the craft supply store every few weeks and she would let me pick out anything I wanted to make.  And I have taken that love with me into adulthood.  I am lucky enough to have a whole craft studio in my home to call my own.  Sadly, lately I just haven't been crafting a whole lot.  I think I have just been putting a lot of creative energy into other outlets and projects, but I know the love isn't gone...it's just the ebb and flow of things.  This list was a nice reminder to connect with that creative part of myself again and really start figuring out new ways to use that room full of amazing supplies.

It was also a nice reminder that those crafts make me feel amazing, but they are not the only things that I make or that make me feel creative.  I am so lucky to have a life that is full of potential to make new things all of the time. 

What is on your list this week?  What will you be making?

1 comment:

  1. I love the idea for a book of your Grandmother's recipes.


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