A Beautiful Saturday: Pyrex Museum

04 February 2013

I recently found out that the Pacific Northwest was hiding a gem - a Pyrex Museum!  Since I'm an avid pyrex collector & part of my yearly goal is to have more adventures, I jumped on the chance to grab a friend and take the three hour road trip up to Bremerton, WA to check it out!

The Pyrex Museum is a little space in the back of an art gallery.  The owner was really wonderful and shared some stories with us about some of the pieces on display.  They had a huge collection of patterns that I had only seen online and in books, so it was pretty amazing to see it all so carefully displayed!

While in Bremerton, we stopped at a pretty random place for lunch called "Kate's Jersey Subs" & I was really excited to find that they had pork roll on the menu.  In case you don't know, pork roll (Taylor Ham) is a meat product that is only found in New Jersey & Philadelphia.  It is something I grew up with and it is one of the things I often really miss from the east coast (so much so that I may hav, so getting to indulge in a food of my childhood really made our Saturday adventure so much sweeter!

After a few stops at a thrift store or two, we left Bremerton and headed to Bellevue, WA to see an exhibit of one of my absolute favorite artists.  On the way to Bellevue, we stopped at an estate sale and score this beautiful set of "snowflake blue" Pyrex that I had just been coveting at the museum, so it seemed like a fitting a perfect score for the day.

The Bellevue Arts museum had a really wonderful exhibit of Nikki McClure art.  I had seen her work on display before, but the museum did fabulous job of curating not just an amazing assortment of her paper cuts throughout the years, but also a look at her process and tools and a compilation of music that inspired her.  It was really beautiful.

It was a perfect Saturday of adventure & inspiration!

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