Goodbye 2012, Hello 2013

02 January 2013

I know it sounds cliche, but I am starting 2013 with a truly new start.  This year is about rediscovering a new kind of joy and a new life for myself.  I am challenging myself to not put my whole self-worth into any one thing, but rather into myself and all the dynamic things that make me who I am and that make me happy.   I think this is why am picking up this blog again - it is with a renewed sense of excitement and a new set of priorities.

2012 has been a year full of ups and downs for me.  It has been a year of heartache, lost friendships, health issues, and a recent departure from a job that had grown to be a part of me.  More importantly, 2012 has been a year of amazing and wonderful things & I want to cherish those things.

Highlights of 2012...

Planned my dream wedding & married my best friend
Had surgery to restore my hearing dramatically
Got 2 amazing new tattoos (and found myself a wonderful new tattoo artist)
Had an amazing bridal shower & bachelorette party thrown by 3 of the most amazing friends a girl could ask for
Made massive amounts of jam & some pretty epic cupcakes
Fostered 6 tiny kittens
Visited Atlanta & San Jose for the first time

I am looking forward to 2013.  Though I am feeling a little intimidated by stepping into this next chapter of unknown, I am optimistic.

In 2013, I hope to...
Visit amazing places I've never seen before
Find a job that allows me to have a balance in my life
Rediscover the things I love about my personal life
Be more adventurous & fearless
Make new friends (and appreciate the ones I have)
Get more organized

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