tooth pain and a lovely weekend.

21 April 2009

i'm sorry i haven't updated this in awhile. it's not that i've forgotten about you. it's just that i got my wisdom teeth pulled about a week and a half ago and it turned into a nightmare of epic proportions. dry socket is one of the most painful things i've ever experienced and i don't wish it on anyone. i haven't really been eating and i spend a solid week completely doped up on pain killers watching a crazy about of tv and not being productive at all. i'm starting to feel better finally and starting to reclaim my life. it's spring and i am ready to be outside and enjoy the sun.

this past weekend was the first time i had been out in quite awhile and i was still not 100%, but it was really good to get out and see friends.

katy, jay, and i went to "oregon's largest garage sale" at the expo center on saturday which was essentially one big flea market of my dreams. the one thing about portland that i do not love is that there are no flea markets. i miss the east coast flea market mornings of walking up early with my mom and walking around for hours finding new and old treasures among miles of overflowing tables. this was kind of a throw back to that and it was really amazing. i came home with some amazing things.

vintage kitchenware is really a soft spot for me and i have been on the hunt for a few pieces for serving. i managed to get this lovely russian serving bowl for $2, a set of two pyrex mixing bowls for $1.50, a pink spouted thermos for $2, a silver 2 tier serving tray for 50 cents, and two adorable vintage aprons for 50cents each. smitten kitchen.

i also have been getting more into jewelry as of late. i bought two gold necklaces. one is a big albatross (or maybe a seagull?) and it's a little out of control, but i like it for $3. the other was just a simple red & black geometric design that i think will be lovely with some of my favorite dresses ($1). my absolute favorite jewelry find of the day though was this darling pink umbrella necklace...
it was probably meant for a baby, but when you live in a city known for the rain, the icon of an umbrella takes a new meaning close to your heart. and it's pink. i am in love, excellent use of $4 and i can't wait for wear it out.

i also got some other little trinkets and gifts for friends while i was there, but the long and short of it is that whoever put this event together is wonderful and deserves my thank yous and i cannot wait for it to happen again. i didn't get to spend as much time as i might have dreamed there because i was sick, but it was still great. ANNNND! there was a pet expo there the same day in a different building so it was wonderful to be able to bring ellie and let her socialize with other dogs. i picked up some great little treats and toys for her. she even got a couple of new little shirts this weekend...more on that soon.

i am so glad it is garage sale season again.

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