Goodbye 2013, Hello 2014!

01 January 2014

2013 was a year of discovery for me.  From the moment it started, I was in a process of transition.  I learned to let go of my past and redefine myself without many of the things I had grown so attached to. I learned that my sense of self is not defined or shaped mearly by titles and badges that I wear. I also learned that those badges and titles are mine to invent and not anyone else's. I learned that I control my own destiny and I need to start making shit happen.

I traveled to many new places this year. I reached deep and really checked off things that had been on my bucket list for as long as I can remember and in doing this, I chose myself over my fears. There were a lot of ups and downs, but looking back, 2013 was pretty amazing.

Highlights of 2013...
Traveled to New Orleans (a dream of mine for as long as I can remember!) & spent time with a dear friend that I've been missing
Went on my honeymoon to Iceland - saw the Northern Lights, soaked in the Blue Lagoon, and saw some of the most amazing views I've ever seen
Learned a lot about blogging and met some amazing people through it
Reconnected with an old friend and mended a broken friendship
Fostered 2 little kittens - one of which has found a forever home with one of my closest friends!
Got a new tattoo across my back to remind me that the bad times are necessary and only make the good times shine brighter.
Visited Vancouver, B.C.
Held a baby kangaroo
Joined the Portland Preservation Society and found some amazing new friends and endless amounts of inspiration
Found a new job that challenges me in new ways and gave me a chance to give back to the community
Briefly got to met a musician who has had an incredible impact on my life and got to tell her that
Celebrated my first wedding anniversary in the Puget Sound
Harvested lots of amazing food from my garden
Made a dramatic hair change and went red
Turned 30 in the company of many amazing friends

I am looking forward to 2013.  Though I am feeling a little intimidated by stepping into this next chapter of unknown, I am optimistic and I want to take the reins!

In 2014, I hope to...
Focus on my health and have a speedy recovery from surgery
Visit more amazing places I've never seen before
Get back to blogging
Possibly find a new home and explore what home means to me
Learn to embrace change more often
Get to a better place with my career and always strive for balance to prioritize myself.
Get more organized

I think my personal theme for 2014 for will be growth and I am ready for it.


  1. Sarah, it sounds like you had a great year! I'm glad it was so fruitful for you and I hope that you're able to accomplish all of your goals for 2014, especially the health stuff!!

  2. Sounds like a really good year :) I'm looking forward to looking through some of your Jam Session posts..learning to can is on my 101 in 1001...and I really want to try it this summer when stuff is in season! Best wishes in the New Year to you!


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